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Fulfillment Service for B2B
Are you looking for a company who can store, check, and send products that you are selling online or offline? Boxful offices are located in Seoul, Hong Kong, and Taipei. If you want to expand your business around the Asia, do not hesitate to contact us! We will help you to expand your business!
Detail게시물이 존재할 경우 아래에 최신순 4건이 배열됩니다
- The Best building Investment in Korea : Boxful Unmanned Self-Storage Franchise property development Are you American or Chinese or Russian investor looking to buy property abroad? The best way to maximize your investment is by opening a Boxful Unmanned Self-Storage Franchise! We provide a comprehensive, hassle-free service, covering everything from finding the right property, securing loans, legal services, and full-scale self-storage operations. With rising demand for self-storage facilities,..
- 新村駅近くにBoxful(ボックスフル)シェア倉庫が新規オープン! 留学生や寮生活を送る学生にぴったりの収納サービスが登場しました✨ こんにちは!今回は、ソウル西大門区延禧洞(ヨニドン)、新村駅近くに新しくオープンしたBoxfulシェア倉庫をご紹介します💡特に大学生や留学生が多いこのエリアの特性を考慮し、より便利で安全な荷物保管ソリューションを提供します!24時間無人管理システムで安心・安全な保管Boxfulは、自社開発の無人店舗運営ソリューションを基盤に、24時間いつでも快適かつ安全な環境を提供します。利用者は予約時に設定したPINコードを使って、完全無人で荷物の預け入れや取り出しが可能です🔒✨リアルタイム記録:出入り履歴をリアルタイムで管理。防犯対策:外部侵入や盗難防止機能付き。最適環境維持:温湿度センサーや災害管理センサーで、24時間荷物に最適な環境をキープします。選べるロッカーサイズ&カスタマイズオプション延禧洞店では、家庭用金庫サイズ(S..
- "Boxful Self-Storage Now Open Near Sinchon Station in Yeonhui-dong!" New Boxful Storage Opened Near Sinchon Station! Looking for a trendy and super convenient storage solution? Boxful has just launched a new self-storage location in Yeonhui-dong, near Sinchon Station! This spot is perfect for dorm residents and international students who need secure, flexible storage options. Let’s dive into what makes this place so awesome24/7 Smart Storage with Top-Notch Securi..
- How to storage luggage and suit case in Jeju(제주도 서핑보드, 골프채 보관) feat 제주 컨츄리클럽 골프 보관 Hi ! I'm big fan of korea living and working for Boxful korea as foreigner. Now I'm going to introduce boxful which is no.1 franchise self storage provider and having a 4 stores in Jeju island!. Boxful Self storage open 3 more new storage luggage facility in Jeju in 2023. No.1 when you arrvice jeju airport, how can you find luggage storage facility in jeju? (1) search "제주도 공유창고" or "Self storage..