boxful 썸네일형 리스트형 Bangi-dong Self Storage service now available Hi! I'm Japanese working for Boxful storage service. As a foreigner it's not easy to living in outside of mother country. I have experienced many things whice are good and bad thing for living in Seoul Korea Songpa-gu Bangi-dong. In Bangi-dong there are many English tutoring academy and TESOL, so housing and moving house is very common, so many of English teacher or other language teacher need s.. detail 5 things MUST know in Seoul Korea life. Hi I'm foreigner and also Boxful team member have lived in Seoul Korea more than 5years. Today I am going to telling 5things you MUST know in Korea. 1. MUST know at least 3 credible moving and relcation company in Seoul Korea. This is very important! cause some of Korea house don't have elevator in the building. so if you don't know any boxful moving company in seoul korea, it would be hard to u.. detail [자랑주의] 여러분 캠핑장비 보관 어디에 하시나요~? 세대별창고? 박스풀 공유창고? 안녕하세요 보관박씨 37대손 박스풀입니다. 바야흐로 캠핑가기 좋은 계절이죠~ 가족들과 함께 떠나는 캠핑여행! 하지만 늘 아빠는 캠핑장비 갈때 혼자 챙기고 또 돌아와서 쉬지못하고 영차 영차 또 내려야하는 슬픔이.. 그래서 요즘은 캠핑장비들을 아에 지정된 곳에 두는 경우들이 있는데요, 세대별 창고와 마당에 창고 그리고 컨테이너 박스풀 공유창고 등이 있습니다!. 요즘 아파트들은 점점 지하에 세대별 창고를 제공하는 경우가 많아지고 있는데요, 아파트에 세대창고가 없는 경우에는 박스풀 공유창고를 사용하시면 편안하게 무거운 장비들을 보관 가능합니다. 이렇게 상당히 많은양의 장비들이 쉽게 락커에 보관이 가능하고 원하실때 다른 지점에서 받아 보실수도 있습니다. 이게바로 박스풀 공유창고 캠핑장비 보관 전문 입니다!. 매장.. detail Introducing Boxful Stores (4)_Hongdae Store Hello ~ this is Max and today I am going to introduce our FIRST FRANCHISE store and last store(Going to open more in Seoul this year! Tune in for more information!) Hongdae Store is the first Franchise or Collaborated Store in Boxful. Our Hongdae store is located near Yeonhwi-dong. It's a hot place these days in Korea! A lot of young and foreign people around that area! Actually, our Boxful Hong.. detail Introducing Boxful Stores (3)_Bongcheon Store Hello, ~ Boxful is back! Last time I have posted about our second store which is Nonhyeon. Today, I am going to introduce our third store where is located near Silim Station. A lot of Foreign students live nearby Silim and Bongcheon area because there are some universities near that area. For foreign students, they have to move out from the dorm or studio apartments when the school is over. (eve.. detail Introducing Boxful Stores (2)_Nonhyeon Store Hello ~ this is Max from Boxful. Last time I have introduced one of our stores which is the Gangnam Store. Today, I am going to introduce our second store which Nonhyeon Store! Nonhyeon Store is located between Nonhyeon Station and Shinnonhyeon Station. There are many single households in that area. Also, there are a lot of foreigners who live in the Nonhyeon Area. 40% of our customers in Nonhye.. detail 박스풀과 함께 메리크리스마스 보내세요! 여러분 모두 메리크리스마스! 한해동안 박스풀을 사랑해주시고 이용해주셔서 감사드립니다. 누구나 쉽고 편리하게 이용할 수 있는 짐보관서비스 공유창고가 되도록 노력하는 박스풀이 되겠습니다. 2020년에도 박스풀 공유창고 셀프스토리지 많이 사랑해주시길 바라며 모두 즐거운 메리크리스마스 보내세요! 박스풀과 함께 메리크리스마스! BOXFUL in MARRY CHRISTMAS! 박스풀 공식 홈페이지 바로가기 ▶ 박스풀 역삼초교점 (강남) 박스풀 역삼역점 (역삼) 박스풀 논현초교점 (논현) detail [BOXFUL] Storage Service in Seoul [BOXFUL] Storage Service in Seoul Are you worried about all the stuff that you have to carry around during the visit in Korea?? There is places where you could just store you luggages or any other stuff that you brought. Seoul Coin Locker BOXFUL Self-Storage!! Boxful is a Self-Storage that offers pedestrians or any visitor who visits Seoul, Korea! Variety kinds of lockers give you choices. If yo.. detail 이전 1 2 3 4 다음